Guest Rooms

Guest Suite

We, at Second Innings Home, also offer the opportunity for your family and friends to come visit you and spend some quality time. Our site has a dedicated suite space for your guests so they can be active participants in your life and celebrate your new environment with you. We have also set up play areas for your grandchildren so that it’s always a jolly time when they visit you at this luxury retirement home!

Common Dining Hall

We are firm believers of community experience and promote social gatherings. We have created a special dining experience with adequate space and easy access to all our residents

Room Service

We appreciate the need for some relaxing time inside the four walls of your house and offer you a thorough room service experience as our team takes over doing the mundane tasks.

Breezy Walkways & Courtyards

Second Innings Home, an old age care home in Hyderabad, is spread across 2 acres of land which gives us the ability to have breezy open walkways and courtyards that allow enough ventilation and keeps the atmosphere pleasant.